Smart Geo s.r.l. at Remtech 18-20 September 2019

Smart Geo s.r.l., insieme alle società partner del Gruppo HCC Acquageo, Elettrica Milly e M.B.T., era presente con uno di stand di 56 mq al Remtech 2019, tenutasi a Ferrara dal 18 al 20 Settembre.  E' l' evento più specializzato sulle bonifiche dei siti contaminati, la protezione e la riqualificazione del territorio.

Smart Geo s.r.l. at Remtech 18-20 September 2019

Smart Geo s.r.l., together with the partner companies of the HCC Acquageo Group, Elettrica Milly and M.B.T., was present with a 56 m2 stand at Remtech 2019, held in Ferrara from 18 to 20 September. It is the most specialized event on the remediation of contaminated sites, the protection and redevelopment of the territory.

The program focuses every year on the most topical and interesting topics, regulatory evolution, characterization, risk analysis, remediation technologies, research, innovation, monitoring, environmental controls, industry, sustainability. It also includes the General States of Remediation, the National Conference of Industry on the Environment and Remediation and numerous technical insights and multidisciplinary debates at national and international level on case studies and real experiences.

The event has seen a great response both in terms of turnout and appreciation of the exhibited tools that interest you in the various topics: over 10,000 visitors, more than 300 exhibitors and 200 events.

The news this year were:

SMART Monitoring products continued to be of great interest, electronic systems for the automatic remote monitoring of buildings, landslides, infrastructures (bridges, towers, pylons, caves, tunnels etc.), rockfall barriers and more generally for any critical situation which requires continuous monitoring.

Video report of the tradeshow:

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